Residential & Commercial Shutters

Because shutters are not a structural part of the building, the terms residential and commercial really don’t apply. Instead we are concerned with 5 different factors;

  1. Elevation – most shutter systems are designed to be used on the first 3 floors of a dwelling, once you get over 3 floors your requirements change dramatically.
  2. Size of the opening – for standard windows and doors on the first 3 floors most shutters can be used. But when you get into 20 foot wide or exceptionally tall openings most require additional engineering.
  3. Design Pressure – generally a design pressure of +/- 50 is more then adequate, but when the requirement is higher then that, other factors must be considered. For example it is easier to get a high pressure on a small opening. You can also adjust fastener type and size.
  4. Wind Zone – this relates back directly to design pressure. Whether the codes require a higher pressure rating or you simply want one on your house, this will affect your shutter, fastener and installation choices.
  5. Sub-Strait – wood and concrete are the highest performing sub-strait for shutter installation. Hollow block and steel studs present their own specific challenges. But don’t assume you have hollow block just because you own a block house. Often times the area around doors and windows are filled with poured concrete. Same goes for steel studs, often times the door and window jambs are filled with wood studs, so fasteners are easy to install.

As you can see the factors determining the type of shutter that is best for any given situation is not simply identifying the structure as residential or commercial. Work with your sales person or contact us for help in determining which shutter system is best for your particular installation.